Friday, 30 October 2009

Wireless Network Simulation Using OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition. Part 6 View Results.

6. View Results:

After running simulation for all scenarios we can now view results to compare between the scenarios by clicking on the show results tool on the tool bar, a view results window will appear showing all the selected statistics, selecting the overloaded statistics for all scenarios to be in the same graph with different colors, changing the view to the average type so the graph be in a curve way, finally we can view the graph in a separate window with full information and legend.

  • The HTTP page response time: from this graph comparing our four scenarios we understand that the response time of a HTTP page decreases as the data rate increases. 

Wireless Network Simulation Using OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition. Part 5 Working With Scenarios.

5. Working With Scenarios:

5.1. Selecting the statistics of the scenario:

Now we should select the statistics that we will study in comparing scenarios by right clicking on any empty space in the workspace and choosing the individual statistics option, from the global statistics tree we will select the HTTP Page Response Time, TCP Delay, Wireless LAN Data Dropped, Wireless LAN Delay, Wireless LAN Load, Wireless LAN Media Access Delay, and finally Wireless LAN Throughput.

Wireless Network Simulation Using OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition. Part 4 Configuring Scenario.

4. Configuring Scenario:

Now we will start configuring our nodes by right clicking the wanted node and then choosing edit attributes.

  • The application configuration tool will configured to get the default application definition.
  • Then editing the profile configuration of profile configuration tool another window will appear to edit it, selecting the rows, where each row means a configuration entry, naming every entry and then edit their applications, also another window appears to select applications for that entry by selecting rows, here each row means an application entry, so here we can select a web browsing application that is our need in our scenario.

Wireless Network Simulation Using OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition. Part 3 Wireless network Scenario.

3. Wireless network Scenario:

In this case study we will create four scenarios of a wireless network for an office of 20 employee starting with the simple standard IEEE802.11that its data transfer rate operate on 1& 2 Mbps and then we will go up till reach the standard IEEE802.11b that its data transfer rate operate on 11Mbps.

The scenarios will be used to provide an internet connection to use HTTP protocol to work on the main website of the company to enter the data into it by the employees working into that office and so to search about work data that is inside it.

Then we will compare the four scenarios to find the best one to choose in the real work.

Wireless Network Simulation Using OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition. Part 2 2. Wireless Infrastructure:

2. Wireless Infrastructure:

2.1. Wireless network refers to any type of computer network that is wireless, and is commonly associated with a telecommunications network whose interconnections between nodes is implemented without the use of wires. Wireless telecommunications networks are generally implemented with some type of remote information transmission system that uses electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, for the carrier and this implementation usually takes place at the physical level or "layer" of the network.

Wireless Network Simulation Using OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition. Part1.

1. Introduction:

1.1. What is an OPNET IT Guru:
OPNET IT Guru Academic Edition provides a virtual environment for modeling, analyzing, and predicting the performance of IT infrastructures, including applications, servers, and networking technologies. Based on OPNET's award-winning IT Guru product, Academic Edition is designed to complement specific lab exercises that teach fundamental networking concepts. The commercial version of IT Guru has broader capabilities designed for the enterprise IT environment, documentation, and professional support. OPNET software is used by thousands of commercial and government organizations worldwide, and by over 500 universities.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

The Matrix

A new philosophy of relations between us and the reality, first of all ask yourself “Is life real?”, “of course it is” as you will say, but what reality really means? Is it everything we touch, hear, see, taste and feel? So it is every thing we sense.

Ok the second answer is “Is our sense is real?”, now we get to the point, what is sense? It is a type of translation that our mind do as a response to our interactions with the outer environment that we called life, but if two things interact with each other and one of them response to this interaction, is the response will be the same as the interaction, No it will defer by many ways like force, shape, energy type, direction, time, place or will nothing happens.

Reality of what we sense:

Is all what we sense are real? They are real but not as we think it is.

Why? Because what we sense is a part of interactions responses that may be less or may vanish sometimes, take what we see as an example, it is just a response of light reflection from environment objects entering our eyes.